Families & Little Ones

Baby Maggie, Newborn Session

Oh this baby girl is so precious! I photographed her big brother Jack when he was a baby, and when I met little Maggie it was like photographing a baby Jack all over again (except a tinier version— she was a pound or two lighter than he was!) They both had the same dark hair, brown eyes, and darker complexion, and even some of their expressions were the same. :) But of course, Maggie is her very own person, and though she resembles her big brother in appearance, I know she will have her own unique personality. It will be fun to see how these two siblings differ more as they get older!
Welcome to the world, baby Maggie!

Wyatt & Family, Two Year Session

How was his newborn session two years ago?! Little Wyatt has grown so fast!
I had so much fun the afternoon of this session, Wyatt had us all on our toes running from one place to another and keeping us laughing with his silly expressions. His family would tell him to say cheese, so he’d go, “Cheese! Alright?!” 😂 This kid is two going on thirteen. But though he had lots of crazy, fun moments, Wyatt did give his family lots of love during the session, and a few extra kisses. He even paused to pet the neighbor’s cat, and wanted to badly to give it a hug and a cuddle. Wyatt may be a typical two year old, running around and being silly, but he is definitely a little sweetheart, too.

Happy 2nd Year, Wyatt!

Baby Henry, Newborn Session

Little Henry was such a sweetheart at his newborn session, giving us lots of baby smiles and adorable expressions, and sleeping so well for his pictures. I worked with his family a few years ago for one of his older brothers’ Grow-With-Me packages, and it is so fun to work with them again! This little guy makes three boys in their household, so I can see lots of footballs being tossed and lego houses being built in his future. :) But for now I think he will be happy with sweet cuddles and rocking chair naps.

Welcome to the world, baby Henry!