Families & Little Ones

Baby Gunnar, Newborn Session

It was such a joy to photograph Lauren and Justin’s wedding just a few years ago, and when she emailed me last Fall to tell me they were pregnant and would need newborn pictures soon, I was so excited for them! These two are so easy-going and cheerful, and I knew they would make fantastic parents.

Though I heard little Gunnar wasn’t sleeping so well at night (hopefully that has changed since he was a newborn!) he was such a champ for his newborn session. He slept deeply until he got hungry, and then after his little belly was full he slept some more. :) He did finally wake up by the end of the session, but he was so calm we were able to keep on going with some sweet photos of him under their Christmas tree. Whether he sleeps through the night yet or not, I know he is such a gift that Lauren and Justin cherish with all their hearts— even when they have to make their coffee extra strong in the morning. :)

Welcome to the world, baby Gunnar!

Sampson Family

This sweet couple lets me take pictures around their yard often, so when Mrs. Anne asked me if I would take pictures for them when their family would be in town, I told her I would absolutely love to do that! It was a bit cool and windy the day everyone could be together, but we made it work with a few extra layers and by keeping everyone nice and close to each other. :) I think it was worth braving the cold though, because the colors were beautiful, and taking these at the place that holds so many memories for the people involved makes the pictures even more special for them. I’m so glad it worked out and that I could do something for this sweet family who is always so kind to me.

Baby Adeline, Newborn Session

Little Adeline was born just in time to celebrate the holidays with her family! She was already so focused for how new she was, and was not too excited to go to sleep for me. I don’t think she wanted to miss out on what was going on! :) But we got some sweet photos that showed off her beautiful baby blues, which I love, so I was just fine with some awake pictures. After some cuddles with her mom and dad though, she was ready for a nap, and she drifted off to sleep towards the end of the session. Sometimes it just takes some pats from mom and some lullabies from dad to get a baby to sleep. :)

Welcome to the world, sweet Adeline!