Families & Little Ones

Little Hudson And Siblings

It was time for another milestone session for little Hudson, and his big brother and sister came along for a few photos with him! We tried hard to get this in earlier in the Fall, but between weather and busy schedules, didn’t quite make it before it turned cold and stayed cold. So it was a chilly but beautiful afternoon for this session, and we made the most of it! :) We took a lot of pictures in a little bit of time so the kids wouldn’t get too cold, and Hudson got lots of cuddles from his siblings to stay extra warm. Ainsley and Holt were such a big help in encouraging smiles from their little brother— they definitely have a lot of love for sweet Hudson! And from the looks of things, I think it’s safe to say that he adores them, too. :)

Baby Henry, Three Month Session

Little Henry turned three months old last Fall, so it was time for another session! So glad we were able to get everyone in the family in a few photos this time. :) We had a few unexpected rainy days that made scheduling this session a bit harder than anticipated, but we finally caught a break in the weather and still had plenty of Fall leaves on the trees to add beautiful color to the background. And just look at all those smiling faces— could they be any sweeter?

Baby Grant, One Year Session

It feels strange not seeing this little guy for a few months, because since over a year ago I have seen him every three months for his Grow-With-Me sessions. :) He sure has grown since that tiny newborn, but a few things haven’t changed— including those baby blue eyes and that white blonde hair.

It turned out to be a cold, windy day for his one year session, so my friend Julie at Julie Davis Photography graciously let us use her nice, warm studio. We stayed cozy inside as Grant showed off his standing skills and gave us some big grins! He did break his arm just a few days before his session so he was sporting a little cast, but he didn’t let that slow him down one bit. He even became a little “Superman” at the end, with his dad’s collection of Superman memorabilia in the background!

Happy First Year baby Grant! It has been such a joy to be your first photographer!