Bethany + Kurt, Engagement Session

One of the things I noticed right off the bat at Kurt and Bethany’s engagement session was how he makes her laugh. We only went a few steps before he started making jokes, and if there were any nerves before the session, they dissipated quickly with each silly comment or crazy pose between pictures— all curtesy of Kurt. :) (Though he did bring some serious downtown Union City knowledge to light as we walked around the old buildings, so it was interesting to hear about the original purpose of some of the areas we passed by! I learned a lot about the history of our little town.) Though I have only been around these two together for their engagement session, I have a feeling that they compliment each other perfectly and where one may lack the other fills in, in the best way. It was such a joy to get to know them a little and I am so excited to be a part of their wedding day, too!

Congratulations you two!